You can afford all of your supplies in the US, including insulin, even without insurance.

Watch the incredible stories of others who have taken control of their diabetes.

Discover the lies you’ve been told about diabetes and nutrition, and find the truth.

Extra tips to cover the odd bits and ends in your type 1 diabetic journey.

Tame Type 1 is a movement to make it easy for type 1 diabetics to learn what it takes to truly take control of their diabetes. I, Justin Nolan, am simply it’s founder. I have had Type 1 Diabetes for nearly 15 years, since I was only 11 years old. I grew up with roller coaster blood sugars, high A1C, and experienced stunted growth and other issues as a result of terrible control. For a long time, I felt hopeless, like I was doomed to struggle with this disease and eventually die early from it.
Fortunately, that all changed over 3 years ago, when I discovered Dr. Bernstein and his approach to diabetes. I learned that I can have normal blood sugars, and an amazing A1C, if only I know the right way to do it. I learned that I don’t need to suffer from complications, that I can live a long and healthy life. Now, through Tame Type 1, I aim to give you the knowledge I’ve learned over my years of experience with this approach.

They speak and promote truth about the management and control of diabetes.

Awesome videos! Diabetics can learn so much from Tame Type 1. Tune in folks!

This guy understands the importance of maintaining normal blood sugars. Any diabetics who are struggling should check out his videos and the catalogue of Dr. Bernstein Diabetes University videos on youtube. This is an excellent resource and aid. You will get way more sane advice out of this than you are ever likely to glean from your endocrinologist or family doctor.

I’ve been living the carbohydrate/insulin rollercoaster for 43.5 years. February 5, 2019 is the day my doctor suggested eating low carbs and my life is forever changed. Thank you Tame Type 1, and Type 1 Grit for pointing me to Dr. Bernstein’s book Diabetes Solution. Thanks to your amazing online communities, and my renewed interest in reading about Type I, I’m learning new things about diabetes and myself everyday. I’m so very grateful for the support you provide our Type 1 community. Your commitment and passion are saving lives.

This way of eating is a total game changer for Type 1 diabetics. Because most endo’s aren’t recommending this way of eating, we have to find ways to get support. I am thankful to have another outlet to get the support we need. It works!!!!

Justin’s insight is invaluable.

Great nutritional advice

Great information. Very knowledgeable. So glad I found this page!

very informative page . I love the ideas and genuine care

great out of the NORM advice that works & helps!!!!